Current Event


Jessica Patak- Current Events Assignment


Title- UN: Gaza Could Be Uninhabitable by 2020 If Trends Continue

Topic- Gaza’s economic struggles

Source- ABC News


Summary- According to a new report by the United Nations, many think that Gaza could be uninhabitable in less than 5 years. They came to this conclusion because of how bad their current economic situation is. Gaza has been on an economic blockade for 10 years and has been in three wars recently. These wars left parts of Gaza destroyed and eliminated their middle class. With how bad their economy is, Gaza could destroy themselves completely.


Reaction- On this topic, there isn’t really a side to take. I think that Gaza needs to get a hold of and get help from others to get back on track. I feel like Gaza needs help from others so that their country isn’t soon completely uninhabitable.This doesn’t affect me at all really, just citizens of Gaza, and maybe surrounding countries or others, that could help them pick their economy back up. Gaza needs to work on eliminating their economic blockades and avoid new wars if possible.
World Impact: This problem doesn’t affect the whole world. It affects Gaza, the United Nations countries that wrote the report, and countries that could get rid of their economic blockades with Gaza. With there being a possibility of Gaza being uninhabitable by the year 2020, other countries should help them avoid self destruction. UN countries could also lend a helping hand to Gaza since they were the ones that came out with the report.

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One Comment to

“Current Event”

  1. September 4th, 2015 at 3:48 pm      Reply Karen Cook Says:

    Please post the link to your article at the end. Thanks!

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